Article Processing Charge (APC):

Fee Structure:

  • Article Submission Fee: Not required. It’s free.
  • Editorial Processing Fee: Not required. It’s free.
  • Article Review Fee: Not required. It’s free.
  • Article Processing Charge (APC): Yes, Required.
  • Page Charges: It’s free for up to 20 pages. For more than 20 pages, 2 USD per page fee will apply.
  • Figure and table color charges: Not required. It’s free.

Article Processing Charge (APC): 
Irrespective of the publication model chosen by the author, aim to ensure that articles are published as quickly as possible, subject to proper quality control, and widely disseminated. Where an author has chosen to publish open access (OA), that usually involves payment of an article publishing fee (Article Processing Charges, APC) in advance. Publication house will make their articles immediately and freely available in perpetuity upon publication on journal, with the author’s chosen user license.

As an OA journal with no subscription charges, APC is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. This ensures that the article will be published immediately and permanently free of access by everyone. The APC is taken after the acceptance of the article by the publishing house “Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)“.

The APC can vary journal wise. Hence for more details, authors should see APC policy from the journal website. APC may vary by journal. Therefore, for more details, authors should read the APC policy from the journal website which is located in the Editorial and Publication Policy section.

Changes in the APC:
The Article Processing Charge (APC) is subject to change and may change at the discretion of the executive members. Adjustments in APC are subject to regular review and change that can be based on the following criteria:

  • Journal quality.
  • The journal’s editorial and technical processes.
  • Competitive considerations.
  • Market conditions.
  • Other revenue streams associated with the journal.

The Tax charges of the APC can also be included in the APC as per the Indian Income Tax policy which will appear prior in the APC challan during the transaction of APC. The APC is applicable per article basis one time which is not refundable. Author(s) can withdraw their article(s) at any time prior to signing the copyright.

APC Waiver and Discounts:
The Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) offers waivers for Article Processing Charges (APCs) for article (s) whose corresponding authors are based in low-income countries. The Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) offers APC waivers to article (s) whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies as on date.

Articles whose corresponding authors are based in countries with lower-middle-income economies and with a 2020 gross domestic product (GDP) of less than 200 billion US dollars are eligible for a 10% discount (reference – World Bank). Please request your waiver or discount at the point of submission.

The APC is applicable per article basis one time which is not refundable. Author(s) can withdraw their article(s) at any time prior to signing the copyright.

  • Once, copyright signed by the author of the article (either digital or scanned) then APC will not refund to the author.
  • In the case of termination of the article (as per removal policy) from the journal, APC will not refund the author.
  • In the case of withdrawal of the article, APC will not refund.

Utilization of APC:
The APC is the major key for any infrastructure especially if journal is OA. As an OA journal with no subscription charges, APC is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. Here, APC is using:

  1. to maintain the infrastructure of the publication house.
  2. to manage salary of all stakeholders
  3. to manage all kinds of hardware and software resources before and after the publication. For example: management of the website, anti-plagiarism software, Laptop (s), Printer (s), etc.
  4. to live the article in the journal website.
  5. to assign DOI for the article.
  6. to pay the fee for the required resources. For example, server maintenance fee (monthly basis), cross reference membership fee (yearly basis) etc.